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Time and Wage Records

Did you know that it is a requirement for employer's to keep time and wages records, including timesheets, for 7 years?

Time and wages records have to be:

• readily accessible to a Fair Work Inspector (FWI)

• legible

• in English.

This means that all your employees (whether permanent [wages or salary], casual or pieceworkers) should submit a timesheet each pay period clearly outlining the days they worked, and their start and finish times.

By having a system in place where your employee submits their timesheet and the employer approves the hours, it protects your organisation against claims of underpayment or misrepresentation of hours worked. A failure to pay your employees correctly can result in fines, and large claims for back-payments of wages, leave, and termination payments.

Compliance for timesheets can be achieved with a simple spreadsheet or word document, or you can improve automation by using your payroll/finance system to collect this information.

For further information about record keeping and to download a template timesheet, you can go to the Fair Work Ombudsman website.

If you need assistance to review and update your time and wages compliance, we are here to help.



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